How Is An Extraction Done, How Long Does It Last? Can A Decayed Tooth Be Extracted?

Can A Decayed Tooth Be Extracted? Tooth extraction is the last choice of dentists. The main target is to rescue and save the natural form of the teeth with the aid of root canal treatment, crowns, fillings etc.

How Is Tooth Extraction Done And How Long Does It Last?

During tooth extraction local anesthesia is applied to the patient. After anesthesia has shown its effect, the dentist separates the tooth from its socket according to the number of roots and wellness of the surrounding teeth and area. Depending on the condition of the tooth, the procedure can last about 15-30 minutes. When the patient applies the necessary procedures following extraction, normal eating habits are retrieved in quite a short time.

Why Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

  • If the teeth are damaged due to trauma, decay or fracture, extraction of the teeth that cannot be saved with various treatment options is required.
  • Gingival disease which hasn’t been treated in time can destroy the bone tissue. As a result the tooth loosens in its socket and in case gingival treatment is unsuccessful then the tooth has to be extracted.
  • Deciduous teeth which do not fall in time can lead to dental problems. In order to prevent this, extraction is done.
  • Impacted teeth are one of the most common cases of tooth extraction as they are very frerquently encountered in wisdom teeth. They cause crowding, inflammation and decay. In order to overcome these problems, the best way is extraction.
  • In terms of orthodontic treatment, extraction is done with the decision of the dentist depending on the necessary space and order.

Is Wisdom Teeth Extraction A Painful Procedure?

As local anesthesia is applied to the related area during wisdom teeth extraction, no pain is experienced.

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